Developing and deploying an integrated workshop curriculum teaching computational skills for reproducible research

Ruby JavaScript Submitted 21 May 2021Published 08 January 2022

Editor: @magsol (all papers)
Reviewers: @kdillmcfarland (all reviews), @tracykteal (all reviews)


Zena Lapp (0000-0003-4674-2176), Kelly L. Sovacool (0000-0003-3283-829X), Nick Lesniak (0000-0001-9359-5194), Dana King (0000-0003-4635-5272), Catherine Barnier (0000-0001-7074-4011), Matthew Flickinger (0000-0002-8528-8925), Jule Krüger (0000-0002-2814-137X), Courtney R. Armour (0000-0002-5250-1224), Maya M. Lapp (0000-0002-8249-1186), Jason Tallant (0000-0003-4790-8772), Rucheng Diao (0000-0002-2932-6755), Morgan Oneka (0000-0002-9672-0445), Sarah Tomkovich (0000-0003-1638-5307), Jacqueline Moltzau Anderson (0000-0003-1398-5980), Sarah K. Lucas (0000-0003-1676-5801), Patrick D. Schloss (0000-0002-6935-4275)


Lapp et al., (2022). Developing and deploying an integrated workshop curriculum teaching computational skills for reproducible research. Journal of Open Source Education, 5(47), 144,

@article{Lapp2022, doi = {10.21105/jose.00144}, url = {}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {5}, number = {47}, pages = {144}, author = {Zena Lapp and Kelly Sovacool and Nick Lesniak and Dana King and Catherine Barnier and Matthew Flickinger and Jule Krüger and Courtney Armour and Maya Lapp and Jason Tallant and Rucheng Diao and Morgan Oneka and Sarah Tomkovich and Jacqueline Anderson and Sarah Lucas and Patrick Schloss}, title = {Developing and deploying an integrated workshop curriculum teaching computational skills for reproducible research}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Education} }
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