EPIDEMIC: Epidemiology Educational Code

Matlab Submitted 02 March 2021Published 27 April 2022

Editor: @magsol (all papers)
Reviewers: @dalonsoa (all reviews), @3mmaRand (all reviews)


Bruna Pavlack (0000-0002-6807-0916), Malú Grave (0000-0002-7697-0658), Eber Dantas (0000-0003-2693-0719), Julio Basilio (0000-0003-1040-735X), Leonardo de la Roca (0000-0003-2896-228X), João Pedro Norenberg (0000-0003-3558-4053), Michel Tosin (0000-0002-0112-553X), Lucas Chaves (0000-0003-4567-2006), Diego Matos (0000-0002-6711-8500), Marcos Issa (0000-0002-2811-4929), Roberto Luo (0000-0002-3822-4945), Amanda Cunha Guyt (0000-0001-8575-3594), Luthiana Soares (0000-0001-5314-0881), Rodrigo Burgos (0000-0003-0326-395X), Lisandro Lovisolo (0000-0002-7404-9371), Americo Cunha (0000-0002-8342-0363)


Pavlack et al., (2022). EPIDEMIC: Epidemiology Educational Code. Journal of Open Source Education, 5(50), 149, https://doi.org/10.21105/jose.00149

@article{Pavlack2022, doi = {10.21105/jose.00149}, url = {https://doi.org/10.21105/jose.00149}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {5}, number = {50}, pages = {149}, author = {Bruna Pavlack and Malú Grave and Eber Dantas and Julio Basilio and Leonardo de la Roca and João Norenberg and Michel Tosin and Lucas Chaves and Diego Matos and Marcos Issa and Roberto Luo and Amanda Guyt and Luthiana Soares and Rodrigo Burgos and Lisandro Lovisolo and Americo Cunha}, title = {EPIDEMIC: Epidemiology Educational Code}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Education} }
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