SNIK Graph---Visualizing Knowledge about Management of Hospital Information Systems

TypeScript Submitted 28 March 2022Published 09 July 2024

Editor: @juanklopper (all papers)
Reviewers: @behollister (all reviews)


Konrad Höffner (0000-0001-7358-3217), Thomas Pause (0000-0001-5832-4890), Franziska Jahn (0000-0002-7687-8544), Hannes Raphael Brunsch (0009-0004-5081-9820), Anna Brakemeier, Alfred Winter (0000-0003-0179-954X)


Höffner et al., (2024). SNIK Graph---Visualizing Knowledge about Management of Hospital Information Systems. Journal of Open Source Education, 7(77), 180,

@article{Höffner2024, doi = {10.21105/jose.00180}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {7}, number = {77}, pages = {180}, author = {Konrad Höffner and Thomas Pause and Franziska Jahn and Hannes Brunsch and Anna Brakemeier and Alfred Winter}, title = {SNIK Graph---Visualizing Knowledge about Management of Hospital Information Systems}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Education} }
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